The correct answer is A
She suffered from mental illness
Virginia Wolf wrote the seminal book,'A Room of One’s Own '. The background aspect that reveals the purpose of writing this seminal book is that she suffered from mental illness. The book is based on series of lectures she delivered at different colleges. The book was published in 1929.
Declarative: <em>Makes a statement, using a period.
</em>Interrogative: <em>Asks a question, using a question mark. (?)
</em>Imperative: <em>Makes a demand, using a period.</em>
There is also a fourth type of sentece:
<em />Exclamatory: <em>Expresses strong feeling, using an exclamation point.
</em>However, exclamatory sentences are always one of the above as well.
A because there is a name with a apostrophe s in front of it meaning that there is ownership.
I feel like past year politics were alright yes there were many protects and many people died in past few month and in some place most people are probably dying right now but i feel like it can be better this year if we all as people try to improve our society
I am not in place where i can say bad things about our previous president but despite how he tried his best to help his people was good thing like giving money to people who are unemployment but expect for all that i feel like he could of had done better job improving himself
I am not trying to be racist but i feel like there is no need to start a protect like if we keep on doing stuff like this i don't think us people will still have humanity after all this
I am not sure if i can say i feel safe walking around in here because i really don't like people are being so careless about virus and their eyes only opens when them, their family or their friends gets infected like you had so much time to start being careful and taking care of yourself and your health but we all turned blind eyes
Lockdown have really infected my grades, my social circle and all but it doesn't matter what matter is that you stay strong during hard times and used used to it
<h2>thanks for points.......... ....,..,........</h2>