Exposition => <span>D) We learn that the woman died after developing a cough. In the exposition, we still don't know where she went and how she died.
</span>Rising action => <span>B) The main character looks for his lover's tombstone. His grief is transformed into anguish because he can't find where she was buried.
Falling action => </span><span>C) The main character falls unconscious on the grave. After the climax, when his beloved rises from her grave with the others and reveals to him that she had actually gone out to cheat on him, the falling action happens when he is incapable of dealing with the truth and falls unconscious. The conflict (her premature death) is thus resolved.
Denouement => </span><span>A) We are left to wonder what was real and what was a dream. This is a poetic diminuendo that has the purpose of problematizing the whole story: we know that we're dealing with an unreliable narrator, who is deeply disturbed by his dramatic love story, but also incapable of owning his problems.</span>
Persuasive because they are trying to prepare you for the future.
<span>Richie had felt a mad, exhilarating kind of energy growing in the room. . . . He thought he recognized the feeling from his childhood, when he felt it everyday and had come to take it merely as a matter of course. He supposed that, if he had ever thought about that deep-running aquifer of energy as a kid (he could not recall that he ever had), he would have simply dismissed it as a fact of life, something that would always be there, like the color of his eyes . . . .
Well, that hadn't turned out to be true. The energy you drew on so extravagantly when you were a kid, the energy you thought would never exhaust itself—that slipped away somewhere between eighteen and twenty-four, to be replaced by something much duller . . . purpose, maybe, or goals . . . .
Source: King, Stephen. It. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print.</span>
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
The lyrics to Rocking around the Christmas tree are…
Rockin' around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas party hop
Mistletoe hung where you can see
Every couple tries to stop
Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Let the Christmas spirit ring
Later we'll have some pumpkin pie
And we'll do some caroling
You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear
Voices singing, let's be jolly
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Rockin' around the Christmas tree
Have a happy holiday
Everyone dancin' merrily
In the new old-fashioned way
C. They enjoy limited independence in the business
They have to do things the way the franchisor wants.