<em>English came to America as indentured servants because they were born as cheap labor.
The indentured servants had a big land to take care of but they failed, the wealthy and expensive companies took advantage of the land and used it to attract workers and this made the indentured servants were beneficial to the economy of the colonies. The war had polarized the European economy and left them depressed with skilled and unskilled labor who did not have work. Therefore, the American colonizers arrived as indentured workers and served the economy for over seven years.
All these words:
<em>Maritime, Marina, Marinate, Marinara, Marine, </em>and<em> Mariner</em>
Share the same Latin Root:
"Mare" which means "sea"
Most educators have suspected this for decades, and now they have evidence showing that schools can potentially lift student achievement by improving their learning environments. It makes sense that students would do better when they learn in positive environments.
Hope this helps ; l
Here is an example and you can just change the words:
"I can’t ever know what flowers they gave her,
on that brittle coffin,
Because those flowers belonged in the garden she made,
(That after they let grow wild and seething)
And kept in her eyes was a kindness worth more than what fate gave her,
That broken body, untrustworthy spine
And I hope she looked through her garden
One last time
Before they gave her to the roots"
Answer:opposition to or deliberate eschewal of realism especially in art and literature There are as many different varieties of antirealism as there are of realism