A coronavirus stands for a new type of virus that has emerged. In China, a new has started to infect people. Scientists found a similar virus infecting animals such as bats. This led to a major decline in China's population, especially a city in China named Wuhan. Wuhan is where the virus first emerged from. Now the virus has taken a toll on the whole world's population.
It wouldn't let me type the virus name in the second sentence...
a special occasion speech is a speech designed to designed to address and engage the context and audience's emotions on a specific occasion.
One incident that I can think of was when my close friend had her internship at a place where the inhabitants were mostly Muslims. She trembles at the sight of them and she's hardly herself when she sees them. She's a good person, not at all racist and judgmental, but her fear seems to have sprung forth from news about extremists.
I agree with Scout because at since someone had shot at the kids, they could still be there, and that can possibly get jem hurt or killed, better safe than sorry.
Hope that helps if u agree with jem instead i can write something up for him too