Read the passage. She turn’d, and she blush’d, and she smiled, And she looked sae bashfully down; The pride o’ her heart was beg
uiled, And she played wi’ the sleeves o’ her gown. … Syne blinkit sae sweet in his face, And aff like a maukin she flew. In “Woo’d and Married and A’” by Joanna Baillie, describe the effect the bridegroom’s words have on his young bride. It causes the bride to become annoyed about being poor. It causes the bride to blush and makes her content. It causes the bride to blissfully ignore everyone around her.
It causes the bride to blush and makes her content.
The text makes it clear that the bride was pleased by the words spoken by her beloved and that made her blush. Because her fiancé spoke beautiful things about her and she was glad to know he saw her that way
The part of the text that makes this clear is: "She turn’d, and she blush’d, and she smiled, And she looked sae bashfully down".
Answer: Sodapop experiences a conflict regarding the health and well-being of Pony when he skips town and hides from the authorities with Johnny. Soda is worried about his youngest brother and fears for his safety.