They can all make you ill and be dangerous for the body
Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down rainforests and farming livestock. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming
There have be found some fossils of ancient remains over the years. What the fossils from Atapuerca revealed about the hominins living in Europe at this time is below:
- The Skull is known to show Interbreeding that took place with neandertals and their relatively healthy population.
- The Fragment shows that there was a possibility of cannibalism in that area.
It shows that possible cannibalism took place as there were Cutmarks on various hominin bones found at Atapuerca mirror.
The relatively healthy population was found out through the study of the dentition of the Atapuerca hominins by anthropologists. It gave them a view into their diet and overall health.
The interbreeding with the Neandertals was shown through the Nuclear DNA that was gotten from bones and teeth of bones found at Sima de los Huesos
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How Giant Tube Worms Survive at Hydro thermal Vents. In a process called chemo-synthesis, symbiotic bacteria inside the tube worm use hydrogen sulfide spewed from the vents as an energy source for themselves and for the worms.