1. Septuagint. LXX Version
2. Eyewitness. Person who sees and testifies
3. Beloved physician. Luke
4. Holy Spirit. Author of the New Testament
5. Peter, James, and John. Pillars of the early church
6. Hypocrite. Actor or pretender
7. James and Jude. Half-brothers of Jesus
8. Luke. Wrote a sequel to his Gospel
9. Synoptic. Presenting a common view
10. Revelation. Means unveiling or uncovering
11. The lowly Servant. Mark's viewpoint of Jesus
12. Theophilus. Nobleman to whom Luke wrote
13. Malachi. Last book in the Old Testament
° To protect inalienable rights
° They create rules
° Helps us to prevent outside attacks
° It helps provide the parameters for everyday behavior for citizens, protects them from outside interference and often provides for their well-being and happiness.
° The government plays a major role in developing and maintaining economic security in society.
° It establishes equality and justice in society through the formation and execution of rules defining laws and order.
Canada was originally colonized by both the British and the French.
The Teapot Dome Scandal was an American political scandal of the early 1920s. It involved the secret leasing of federal oil reserves at Elk Hills, California, and Teapot Dome, Wyoming, by Albert Bacon Fall—U.S. Pres. Warren G. Harding's secretary of the interior—to oil tycoons Edward L.