Because of the geographical position (India is between China<span> and </span>West Asia<span> and Europe) India always was icluded and made money from trade. </span><span>
India traded cotton, silks, dyes, drugs, gold, ivory, often earning great fortunes. From Middle East & Roman Empire, they brought back pottery, wine, metals, some slaves, and especially gold;
</span>Indian traders were selling West Asian glass<span> and </span>wool<span> to people in China, and Chinese things like </span>silk<span> and </span>pottery<span> to people in West Asia.</span>
Without Reconstruction
They have poor background.
Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician who developed the principles of modern physics, including the laws of motion, and is credited as one of the great minds of the 17th-century Scientific Revolution.
Hi! :)
Historical perspectives change over time depending upon the biases of the writer.
Its territory was directly controlled by the pope and the Roman Catholic Church and led the other city-states in government reform.