Could you be more specific please?
1, 3 & 4.
The plan took away power belonging to the Cabinet.
The plan increased the powers of the presidency
The plan created less accountability to the Senate.</span>
We have a movement of women's rights we also see the limes of easy credit and we look for a very unequal distribution of wealth
Olayinka Herbert Samuel Heelas Badmus Macaulay (14 November 1864 – 7 May 1946) was a Nigerian nationalist, politician, surveyor, engineer, architect, journalist, and musician and is considered by many Nigerians as the founder of Nigerian nationalism.
Image result for Why do the British lose the Battle of Fort William Henry?
This six-day attack by Montcalm and his 8,000 French troops, Native allies, and Canadian volunteers left Fort William Henry near collapse. The fort's walls were breached, its guns were overused, and the British had sustained many casualties, leading Monro to surrender on August 9.