Penelope was far from Odysseus as well so there both were sad that they were apart. Penelope has to deal with the suitors and lead them in a way and Odysseus had to deal with his crew and lead them
The correct answer is "longing."
The poems are both similar because they are both referring to longing for something that is now gone. Both of the poems are from different cultures but still can have the same meaning when expressing their thoughts.
The line "all that's left" shows the longing and dreaming in the Haiku. In the other poem, the line that shows the longing is "I dwell in a lonely house I know
Poems can express many emotions and can be different for each reader. That is what makes poems so great to read. Everyone can have different emotions for them.
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My say would be yes. You should always stick up for yourself
The Iliad and The Odyssey epics are some of Homer's most famous works. Plato wrote The Republic and Euripides wrote The Bacchae.
The love they feel for one another is instant there is no denying the chemistry but then they soon realize that they come from opposite families and that they are forbidden to love one another.