This line is written in iambic pentameter. Each foot is an unstressed and stressed syllable together. [how DO] [i LOVE] [thee LET] [me COUNT] [the WAYS]. There are five feet. Because of the unstressed-stressed pattern each foot is considered an iamb. Since there are 5 feet or iambs per line, it is a pentameter. Pent is a root word meaning 5.
B. North America
Atlantic Ocean
Florida Everglades
Grasslands of Montana
Mississippi river
When Travis sees Arlis playing in the drinking water (C) He feels happy because it reminds him of good memories of Old Yeller.
This scene shows us that Travis has matured and has a new perspective on life. He is not as stringent as he was before and takes time to enjoy the little things in life.
Yes because they have to face rain and animals that can put them at risk or harm
1. up, soared, glorious, sense of freedom, higher and higher, and heaven.
2. Bewitched and frantically.