The Triple Entente was the alliance of England, Russia, and France during World War 1. They were fighting against the Axis powers. The League of Nations were created to fight against nations who were attacking others without just cause and sought to peacefully negotiate to avoid war. Plz mark brainliest!
Answer:The Treaty of Versailles was justifiable given the actions of the German government during World War I but it was unwise because of its punishment of the German people it created the conditions for World War II.
Okay? So if I buy pumpkin spice I’m not a hipster or I am?
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. c
11. He had wept and the people cheered because the berlin wall was finally torn down and East and west Germany was once again united as one country. When the communist took over east Germany and built the wall, many fled rather than live under communist rule. Many had died attempting to do so because of freedom.
12. The president assumed that as rich Americans got richer then they will open more businesses. Now as new businesses opened, more middle-low class citizens will follow. The middle and lower class will either get jobs at these new businesses considering that the job pay better then their old job. Another assumption would be that the middle and lower class will get some of those benefits that the rich have. The new businesses would also lure rural Americans into the cities. Where they would get better jobs and therefore better benefits for all Americans.
the war powers act hasn't worked do the fact that the presidents have ordered mititary actions many time since 1973 with out congresses approval.