The territories of Poland was known to have expanded as agreed on the Treaty of Versailles right after the first world war. Germany looses most of its territories at that time and some of it were given to the Polish. Poland acquired these German territories: West Prussia, Posen and Upper Silesia.
Seems that you may need to provide your own information that you’ve gained! you haven’t included the crash course video. i would recommend watching the video over and picking out 3 things that you learned. i’ve seen crash course videos before (not the one above of course) and they’re very easy to understand and there’s TONS of info, it’s quite easy to pick out three things :)
The Taj Mahal was part of the Mughal Empire, since it was this empire that used to rule over what is now present-day India, where the Taj Mahal is located. It remains one of the world's greatest tourist attractions.