1: threw and through
2: week and week, more in a sec
I would describe it in as much detail as I could, tell them the concept, and the category it belongs to.
They're your friend, so you'd want them to know everything about it and why you like it, right? They could end up taking interest in it and start playing it with you.
This question is about "The Curious incident of the dog in the nighttime."
He presents himself that way because he is autistic.
Christopher is bullish and for that reason, we can conclude that his mind does not work like the mind of people who do not have this mental disorder. Like some bulls, Christopher has a very good memory and usually recalls very detailed things from elements to which he has a certain fascination. This fascination makes him present himself along with the things that are important to him, such as knowing the names of all countries and their capitals, as well as knowing all prime numbers up to 7.057.
Answer: free verse
this is a free verse poem because free verse as no pattern to, as you here this doesn't go by ABABCDCDEFEF so it will be free verse