The sources that have a main purpose to inform readers are the following ones:
- a magazine article that provides tips to avoid skin rash .
- an encyclopedia entry listing the various types of fungi found in Antarctica.
The magazine article aims at informing readers about how to avoid skin rash. By reading it, readers will learn more about the condition. The encyclopedia entry aims at informing readers about the various types of fungi found in Antarctica. By reading it, readers will learn more about fungi. In a nutshell, both sources provide readers with information.
<u>The other alternatives must be ruled out for the following reasons:</u>
a novel with the US Civil War as the setting: it is a novel, and as so its main purpose is to entertain, artistically speaking.
a cookbook with seafood recipes: its purpose is not to inform, but to teach.
a poem that uses symbolism to describe the poet's longing for her dead lover: again, art (plus aesthetics, in this case).
the lyrics of a song for a musical play: it is music created for a musical play, so it is all about entertainment and art.