Joe Biden owned it he owned everything
Today, I wished I were dead. We are crowded into a tiny space. Animals are given more room to live. I am chained to the men on either side of me. One is sick. He is burning with fever and groans constantly. When he dies, I will be chained to a dead man. I feel sick, too, but it is only the smell turning my stomach. My nose is filled with the odors of sickness and dirt and human waste. I would give anything for a breath of clean air. But I cannot ask. If I do, I will be whipped until I cannot stand. I am afraid I will not survive this journey.
The renaissance was an age where people in Europe were knowledge had spread out more. Plus, boats were better developed so that they can sail through rough sea weather. Products such as paper were created to produce books and newspapers to also spread knowledge. Though the wealthy were the only one's who can afford books and other productions of paper, Schools were also opened so people's education can improve.
The reason that they established Jamestown, Virginia was because of money.
The reason that they established Plymouth, Massachusetts was because of religious freedom.