Legendary - Le - gen-dary
Struggle - Str - ug-gle
Manage - Man - age
Feature - Fe - at-ure
Incapable - in - cap-able
Indecisive - in - deci-sive
Inflexible - in - flex-ible
Unobservant - un - observ-ant
Immature - im - mature
Impossible- im - possible
Intolerant - In - tolerant
Tremendous - Tre - men-dous
Competitive - Com - pet-itive
Disposal - dis - posal
Disadvantage - Dis - advantage
Uncomfortable - Un - comfort-able
Revolutionary - Rev - olution-ary
Misrepresentation - Mis - represent-ation
Most of these should be right I am very sorry If I got any wrong if I did get any wrong tell me and I can make corrections pls don't be mad at me if i get any of these wrong I wish u good luck.
I believe that the pair of words that has the same kind of relationship as the numbered pair is b) symbolic : actual, because figurative means symbolic, and literal is actual, real.
The characterization presented in the text suggests that Anne was a very optimistic person, as shown in the third answer option.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- The text shows an indirect characterization by showing Anne's optimistic behavior.
- That's because the text shows how the hiding place where Anne was with her family was ugly and uncomfortable, but she recognized that it was the best they could have at the moment.
- This situation showed to Anne that even though they were in a strange place, this was the best place in the entire country, as it was the place that kept them safe.
This characterization shows how Anne was optimistic and sought to see the best of situations even if those situations were bad.
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