used at the end of a list to indicate that further, similar items are included.ndicating that a list is too tedious or clichéd to give in full.
The tone of the story "Talk" by Harold Courlander and George Herzog is humorous. The story revolves around a farmer being first frightened by the talking yam whom he wants to dig, followed by the dog who told him to listen to the yam, then the palm tree who warned him not to cut its branch. The farmer ran off meeting a fisherman who also ran off hearing the fish trap talk. They come across a weaver whose bundle of cloth talked and then ran with them together. The story is really funny because of the talking characters in the story including the stool in the chief's house.
The quote <span>"The boys came buzzing around like bees around a jam pot," was said by</span> Mrs. Van Daan.
Hope this helped xx
Electric Shocks aren't very common but it is possible that that will happen.