Methinks already from this chemic flame, I see a city of more precious mould: Rich as the town which gives the Indies name, With silver paved, and all divine with gold.
Since the action (leaving) is before the noun (the children), the arrow points toward the action.
The sentence contains misplaced modifier.
According to the sentence, the one got hit by the car was Gunther. However, putting "I" as the subject of this sentence means that "I" was the one got hit. ("Having just been hit by a car" and "rushed over..." were done by the same person - "I")
So that, this sentence should be corrected, the following is an example:
<em>"Gunther had just been hit by a car, I rushed over to see if he was breathing."</em>
The punctuation mark that used to show ownership is
B. Apostrophe
Are talking about the word characteristics/characterization?