Two ways to increase and improve activity level is drinking water and walk around instead of sitting. Water can regulate your body temperature, and if you lose sweat but are not hydrated, you can start to get hot very quickly. So, water can help regulate your body temperature when this does occur. Then, walking around helps strengthen your bones and muscles and can help you maintain a healthy weight. Doing these activities will be simple. With water, one way to implement this into daily life is by carrying around a water bottle throughout the day. Also, setting goals to how much water can be consumed in one day could be more motivating. Then, with walking, counting steps or distances, walking with friends and family, or competing with others could make it more enjoyable. I think I will feel more energized throughout the day if I did these two easy activities.
You may choose planned exercise or whenever you can fit it in your day, or a ... of getting active; How to fit activity into your life; What kind of busy are you? ... is one of the most important things you can do, each day if you can, for good healthExplanation: