I don't see the passage, but the meaning of inept is
A clumsy, incompetent person — or an ineffective action — is inept. When you're inept, you don't know what you're doing or just can't get it done.
Someone inept is bumbling, clueless, and ineffective.
Inept people are dumb or clueless; they don't understand things.
than that, inept people are bad at what they do. An inept lawyer always
loses cases.
An inept figure skater wipes out on the ice. An inept
postal worker loses mail and puts it in the wrong box.
An inept person
is downright bad at something. The opposite of inept is competent.
Hoped I helped!
B- Tom might have won the case had race not been an issue
C, due to students without previously aggressive or submissive behaviors developed these traits.
D, Deindivuation refers to losing one's sense of self .
B, the prison ID numbers didn't give prisoners their names.
The sentence that is correctly punctuated is: Corey Windsor, the boy in the white shorts, will be playing on the tennis team this spring. The correct answer is option C. This sentence contains an appositive phrase. An appositive phrase consists of words that describes or renames the noun beside it. Appositive phrases are often set off from the main sentence with the use of commas, because these are only added information.