Things that plants do/have that aren't found in animals:
Call wall
Semasa suhu persekitaran adalah tinggi Dan panas Salur darah akan mengalami vasodilasi. Salur darah akan mengembang, serta menyebabkan lebih banyak darah mengalir dekat permukaan kulit. Oleh itu lebih banyak haba akan hilang
Hey there! Your answer to this question..
What is the reproductive system of reptiles?
Reptiles are almost all sexually dimorphic, and exhibit internal fertilization through the cloaca. The reproductive system of reptiles has four functions:
To produce egg and sperm cells.
To transport and sustain these cells.
To nurture the developing offspring.
To produce hormones.
Arteries never carry oxygen rich blood
This is totally wrong as most Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from.the heart to other organs and structures. Only the pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation
The correct answers are I and IV
There are three main effects of complement :
1. Lysis of cells such as bacteria and tumor cells.
2. Generation of mediators that participate in inflammation and attract neutrophils to the site of infection, an event called chemotaxis.
3. Opsonization i.e. enhancement of phagocytosis.
Lysis of pathogens by complement involves the insertion of a special substance called the membrane attack complex into the cell membrane of the pathogen which disrupts or punctures the membrane as a result of which water and electrolytes enter the pathogen and it dies.
Generation of mediators known as C5a and C567 complex attract neutrophils.