Clean energy like solar wind and water
Water is the universal solvent; a solvent is what does the dissolving. The corn syrup would be the solute, in other words what gets dissolved.
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which is what makes plants green. Onions are not green because they do not contain chloroplasts. The reason they do not have chloroplasts is because in the chloroplast, photosynthesis takes place. A key player in the process of photosynthesis is the sun. The onion itself grows underground which means while they grow they do not come into contact with the sun so chloroplasts in an onion is pointless since they can’t undergo photosynthesis. Hope I helped!
The same ligand can bind to different receptors causing different responses (e.g.. acetylcholine). On the other hand, different ligands binding to different receptors can produce the same cellular response (e.g. glucagon, epinephrine).
Well for starters, producers are living organisms that produce their own food. Like plants. And plants ironically provide us humans with oxygen as they live off of the carbon dioxide we produce. Some plants are also main vegetables that we eat, so put simply, a world without producers would be practically oxygen-less and vegetable-less.