There were 4 major causes (actually) that led to the Great Depression, which were:
-the stock market crash in 1929
-bank failures (similar to the one in 2008, but I'm just nerding out at this point)
the federal government bureau of refugees, the freedman's bureau and the abandoned land.
The purpose of the United nations is to "preserve peace, advance justice and constitute a permanent structure for international cooperation.". The United Nations acts as a world forum to help countries work together to achieve peace and human rights.
Government corruption
Being the Roman emperor was a dangerous job. <span>Civil war thrust the empire into chaos, and more than 20 men took the throne in the span of only 75 years, usually after the murder of their predecessor. </span>
It casued the great rural-urban mirgration of farmers to the cities looking for new jobs and led to the develpment of many technologies like penecillin, a commen vacine