Stage 2 - Pre-conditions for take-off
Stage 3 - Take-off
The stage 2 "Pre-conditions for take-off " give emphasis to the mechanisation of agriculture and trading of agricultural produce. In stage 3 “Take-off” Manufacturing industries get importance. The economy rises with rise in industrial production and trading. The focus is shifted to infrastructure development.
Stalactites hang from the ceiling of a cave while stalagmites grow from the cave floor. ... A stalactite is an icicle-shaped formation that hangs from the ceiling of a cave and is produced by precipitation of minerals from water dripping through the cave ceiling. Most stalactites have pointed tips.
Deep space telescopes are fitted with the faint object cameras, that are way better than ground-based spectroscopically functioning telescopes. The Subaru telescope at Hawaii observed the faintest object ever from a ground-based telescope. But when compared to other deep-space telescopes like Hubble's deep space telescopes it's very small. They have reached up to a magnitude of 31 , which observes 20 times fainter objects .
B. Some of the great contributors to advancement in the United States were immigrants
The United States is a country of immigrants, so using the term immigrants for people that moved slightly later in the country is kind of debatable. Anyway, the later immigrants in the United States had a huge impact on the country, mostly positive.
- The immigrants provided extra labor force which was in high demand, especially with the industry constantly growing.
- Numerous immigrants were people with great ideas, managing to invent new things that led to a rapid development of the United States and making them a global power. A prime example of this is the Croatian Nikola Tesla.
- The large numbers of immigrants resulted in rapid population increase, which also provided the United States with extra military power, which was crucial for its survival, interests, and further actions.