By threatening a veto, the President can persuade legislators to alter the content of the bill to be more acceptable to the President. Congress can override a veto by passing the act by a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate.
I don't really remember the correct answer but I think it's B.
kitten can't be moved or pushed
The merchant class of medieval Europe established the first banks
It allowed goods to be shipped all over the country. Not only did it do this quicker but also cheaper because not as many foods would spoil. In addition now people from all over the country could enjoy good from other places in the country. One industry that greatly prospered from the construction of the railroad was the cattle or beef industry. Before railroads, cows had to be raised slaughtered and sold all within close proximity this was becoming more and more difficult because many urban and suburban areas were growing rapidly leaving less and less land for farming. The railroad changed all of this because now cattle ranchers could raise there cattle in the west which at the time was very rural and in fact barely and in fact barely had any urban centers at all. Now that beef could be shipped cross country people could have beef more often because it was in abundance. This caused the American population to buy more beef creating and upward economic spiral. The American beef industry is just one of many industries that grew rapidly and became the empire it is today because of the construction of the railroad.
Hope this helped!!!