Cinderella has to...
She has to sort lentils and peas into their jars. The birds help her. She then goes to her mother's grave and her mothers' ghost gives her a gown.
5 stressed syllables each followed by an unstressed syllable.
I looked this up, not 100% tho
depends what kind of essay it is.
D. His tendency to embellish
The narrator using "fearful, devastating scourge" had a tendency to paint his condition in a more acceptable than it was. To embellish simply refers to making some more attractive or acceptable than it is in reality.
We find this in "Three Men In A Boat". "Three Men In A Boat" was published in 1889. It was written by Jerome K. Jerome, an English writer. He gives a humorous account of a two-week boating trip with his friends, George and William Samuel Harris upon Thames River.