The outer planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are made up of: <em><u> </u></em><em><u>h</u></em><em><u>ydrogen</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>and</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>helium</u></em><em><u> </u></em>
Physically, we would feel very less gravity, so we can travel, by our own body force, we would feel very less weight on our body.
Emotionally, it would be my best moment.... i'll just forget about countries on the Earth & think like a citizen (Human) on Earth
Hope this helps!
The meaning of star system is group of hundreds of stars , that form around the same time .
According to the web, it's the Syrian Desert and the Arabian Desert