The grassland preserve, without the lion pride, will have an increase on antelope and zebra, therefore decreasing the amount vegetation as they eat the vegetation, without a control in the population, this could be potentially dangerous for the preserve
Grams is much denser then kilograms
please give it the brainiest answer
A thick grouping of nerves that run down the back of the embryo
The dorsal nerve cord is special embryonic characteristic of the ganglia. It is a hollow dorsal cord that is composed of a section of the exfoliated coagulant that forms a hollow tube unlike solid abdominal tubes in other animal species. It is located in the vertebrae of vertebrates.
The decrease of predators would make the elk population thrive, because there would be nothing to hunt them down. And with an increase of food, the elks would have enough to eat therefore the elks would not die from hunger.
C. the cells in these 2 areas have different functions