If everyone were the same, we could be compared to robots. No one would be able to/ want to stand out from the crowd, which would prevent advancements in things like medicine, technology, and science/art in general. No one would be special, so you could argue that nothing would make you significant. If everyone were the same, we would all live to die, because what else would there be to do.
i aint never seen two pretty best friends
always one of em gotta be ugly.
have a good day good luck
After hearing trickling from the pipes, the plumber resumed his work.
A corporate trust
A trust or corporate trust is a chain of businesses that have sizeable market power and cooperate with each other in different ways such as being members of a trade association, co-owning stock, or forming a conglomerate.
Thus, the correct answer is corporate trust because they do all those functions listed.
Francis is dominant and aggressive. He sees the world as a place where he can manipulate things when he wants. When he doesn't get what he wants, he gets angry that he can't have his way. Hedoesn't like being told no and on top of that, he doesn't know how to take no for an answer because he is spoiled.
Scout on the other hand sees the world as a big place and she isn't racist in fact, I feel that Aticuss protects her and it leads her to not be biased or predjudice. She sees no difference and isn't as educated about the world as Francis. She gets the opportunity to see the good side in people that no one else wanted to give them the chance to see.