Science is an attempt to explain natural phenomena. People from all cultures contribute to science. Scientific knowledge relies heavily, but not entirely on observation, experimental evidence, rational arguments and scepticism
Explanation: Carbon dioxide increases temperatures, extending the growing season and increasing humidity. Both factors have led to some additional plant growth. However, warmer temperatures also stress plants. With a longer, warmer growing season, plants need more water to survive.
Carrying Capacity
The limits due to environmental resources such as food and mates.
The correct answer is "neurons".
Neurons are nerve cells which connect to each other using synapses and form neural networks. They exhibit high levels of specialization and are the primary components of the central nervous system.
Myofibrils are contractile fibers which form the striated muscle cells. Sarcomeres are the structural unit of the myofibrils.
Answer: <span>A) Slow to repopulate
Genetic variation is an advantage of sexual reproduction. It increases survival and the ability to adapt in a species. Species with genetic variation can respond better to environment changes, since the genetic variability allows some to be immune to disease or adapt better to a change, and live to reproduce.
Slow to repopulate is a disadvantage because the species cannot recover quickly after a large disaster. It also means they cannot adapt as quickly to an environmental change.</span>