pronoun is a word, which we use instead of a noun, usually to avoid
boring repetitions. For example, in the following sentence, I am going
to swap the word "pronouns" for the word "them", simply because you will
get bored if I fill each sentence with the word "pronoun". There are
various forms of them.
Subject pronouns: I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They
Object pronouns: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them
Possessive pronouns: Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Its, Ours, Yours, Theirs
Relative pronouns: Which, whose, that, where, when....etc...
I could go on, but I reckon you get the idea now. Ironically, the word "pronoun" is actually a noun.
So the answer yes
The answer is A Will must change his plans to be sure he does not lead the soldiers to the hidden horses. Hope this helps!
The answer is
A coordinated conjuction is a word that joins or coordinates two senteces together, in this case the word yet is conectint he was but a child, and giving meaning to the whole sentece by conecting to he did so much for others, if you read it without the yet, the sentence looses force in the statement.
the others treat the greasers horrible bc they are in low class
I'm reading this in class as well my teacher told us this