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Sitting before the blank diary page, Winston is about to commit a crime.
It is not surprising that at this moment, his sore begins to itch unbearably. It is a reminder of his guilty conscience and of the crime he is about to commit. It is his internalization of Big Brother, reminding him that any thought not in support of Big Brother is a crime.
This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.
When a person feels desolate, he feels deserted, lonely, hopeless, and sad. When a location is desolate, there's almost nothing there.
Because "unearned suffering is redemptive." Both the release of God's people from slavery and the story of enduring life over death are powerful signs of how God does redeem suffering, sorrow, and sadness.
If we use MLA style in our document or paper, the works cited page should be at the end of it. So this statement is FALSE. The parenthetical citations just provides a bit of information like the name of the author and the page number. To get the rest of the information, the reader should resort to the last page of the document.
Although students may feel they have too much homework, a study found that today's students have the same amount as their parents did.