<span>Besides timber Crete exported food, cypress wood, wine, currants, olive oil, wool, cloth, herbs, and purple dye. Its imports consisted of precious stones, copper (most likely from Cyprus), ivory, silver, gold, and other raw material. They also imported tin that was used in the production of bronze alloys. Interestingly, the nearest known tin mines appear as far as Spain, Britain, central Europe, and Iran. Besides raw materials, the Minoans also adopted from the surrounding cultures artistic ideas and techniques as evident in Egypt's influence on the Minoan wall frescoes, and on goldsmithing production knowledge imported by Syria.</span>
Buddhists teachings helped people endure the suffering that followed the fall of the Han Dynasty. ... Many Chinese after the fall of the Han Dynasty turn to Buddhism because missionaries and traders carried Buddhist teachings to China. Over time, the religion spread into Korea and Japan too.
Can u help me out if i help u
I believe that is going to be : to communicate with ancestors
10 Workers would cause the marginal cost to exceed the marginal benefit.
Explanation:The marginal cost is the total cost of a final product. Including every dollar spent. Taking a Lynch perspective here, the cost would consider equipment, corporation properties, and every other expense. So, at the end of all the sum of investment, we will obtain a number of costs related to each unit produced. The bigger the amount, the smaller the cost price. Therefore, it is very important. The Marginal benefit is the advantage a customer has over the price of a certain product in case of requiring to buy two of the same. In other words, is the price the customer is willing to pay for a second unit of the same product. In our case, the combination of both gets us 10 workers because at that price we would require 10 workers o exceed the price the customer is willing to pay for a second unit of the same product.