That all persons are endowed with natural rights to life,liberty,and property
This is correct.
Machiavelli was an Italian political philosopher whose famous work, the Prince, is an in-depth look at what is necessary for a ruler to be effective, both in terms of ruling a people but also in doing what needs to be done.
Free trade increases prosperity for Americans—and the citizens of all participating nations—by allowing consumers to buy more, better-quality products at lower costs. It drives economic growth, enhanced efficiency, increased innovation, and the greater fairness that accompanies a rules-based system.
Free trade is a trade policy that does not restrict imports or exports. It can also be understood as the free market idea applied to international trade. In government, free trade is predominantly advocated by political parties that hold liberal economic positions while economically left-wing and nationalist political parties generally support protectionism, the opposite of free trade.
In 1918 Germany finally surrendered and ended the war. They signed the Treaty of Versailles along with Italy, Russia, Britain, and France to end WW1.
Both Crosby and West see the effects as mostly unintentional
and systemic, coming from the animals themselves, rather
than as the result of intentional actions by Europeans or
Native Americans.