c. borrow words from other languages.
d. invent languages.
e. use abstract terms including past and future.
Linguists are experts who engage in the scientific study, analysis and preservation of language.
Linguists agree the ability to speak a language sets humans apart from other animals because we can invent languages, borrow words from other languages and use abstract terms including past and future.
On the other hand, animals cannot do any of the aforementioned because they are not as smart, intelligent and creative as the human species.
Hence, this set humans apart from other animals as higher level animals with the ability to use language as a tool for effective and efficient communication. Humans can use language as an expression of emotions, feelings and connotation.
Incomplete question. However, I provided brief information known about American Indians living in the Northeast.
Interestingly, it is believed that American Indians living in the Northeast were characterized by a strong kinship or extended family ties, in other words, they had a close family relationship.
Their love for agriculture is also notable as they involved in extensive farming, accompanying this is their belief that all nature had spiritual power. They also had a strong love for oral traditions over any written instructions.
Stresemann was a politician of the Weimar republic after Ebert. When Stresemann came into power, Germany was still under the influence of the effects of the treaty of Versailles. Germany was in economic peril, owing 6600 million pounds to the victors of the First World War, militarily crippled as the armed forces were reduced to only 100,000 men and no battleships, no armored vehicles and no aircraft or submarines as well as no troops in the Rhineland. The war guilt clause, article 231, also left Germany hating the allies and the treaty of Versailles as they thought it was unfair. Stresemann entered Germany when it was in a state of peril, however, one could argue that his successes outweighed his limitations and he was very significant in the recovery of Germany after 1923 until his death in 1929.
hope this helps
Hoy en día, por causa del coronavirus, en muchos países del mundo se están soslayando gran cantidad de derechos civiles con el objetivo de preservar el correcto funcionamiento del sistema sanitario pero sin tener en consideración las cuestiones relativas al ejercicio de esos derechos por parte de los ciudadanos.
Así, en muchos países del mundo la libertad de circulación se ha visto gravemente cercenada, violando incluso preceptos constitucionales que impiden el cercenamiento del derecho a circular y trabajar. Por ejemplo, en Argentina la cuarentena ha hecho que millones de personas no hayan podido trabajar durante mas de dos meses, llevando a la quiebra a muchas pequeñas empresas y elevando notoriamente el desempleo.
Por otra parte, los hospitales han entrado en un estado de saturación, y las autoridades están seleccionando los casos a ser atendidos, dejando de lado cuestiones consideradas menores o no inminentes. Esto es absolutamente violatorio del derecho a la salud, garantizado por gran cantidad de tratados internacionales de derechos humanos.
Incluso, en muchos países han habido detenciones policiales arbitrarias por circulación considerada ilegal, lo cual es contrario a los regímenes de derecho penal ya que se detiene y enjuicia a personas por delitos no legislados.
Como puede verse, es necesario un fuerte control sobre los gobiernos, para que los derechos mencionados sean respetados y no se vulneren las garantías de las que gozan los ciudadanos.
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