The answer is 3: Henry Ford adapted the assembly line, <em>an innovation in</em> <em>factory prodution</em>, to produce cars.
An appositive phrase is a noun phrase that <em>adds importantl information</em> or <em>adds descriptive words</em> that help make the sentence more detailed. But the <em>information can be removed without changing the grammar and meaning of the sentence</em>: "Henry Ford adapted the assembly line to produce cars." the appositive sentence is only <em>describing</em> what assembly line is.
Internal rhymes are patterns of rhyming words inside the same line. This effect can increase the tension of the poem, as it can make the reader to accelerate the pace, or to slow it down by making more emphasis on the rhyming words.
And he was the most stubborn man Phillip had ever known. But after the ... book, with gun ports along the high wall that faces ... go there,. Phillip," she said angrily. "We are at war! Don't you understand?" ... that it meant death and destruction. ... lonely little island where Timothy is buried. Maybe I wont know it by sight,.