* Each church was cut from a solitary bit of rock to represent spirituality and humility. Christians inspires most of the features with Biblical names even Lalibela's river is known as the River Jordan
Lalibela is a town in Lasta Amhara Area, Ethiopia acclaimed for its rock-cut solid holy places. The entire of Lalibela is a huge relic of the middle age and post-archaic human progress of Ethiopia. Lalibela is perhaps the holiest city, second just to Axum, and a focal point tourism. In contrast to Axum, the number of inhabitants in Lalibela is totally Ethiopian Customary Christian.
Ethiopia was probably the earliest country to receive Christianity in the principal half of the fourth century, and its authentic roots date to the hour of the Missionaries. The houses of worship themselves date from the seventh to thirteenth century, and are generally dated to the rule of the Zagwe ruler Gebre Mesqel Lalibela.
The design and names of the significant structures in Lalibela are broadly acknowledged, particularly by nearby church, to be an emblematic portrayal of Jerusalem. This has driven a few specialists to date the current church structures to the years following the capture of Jerusalem in 1187 by the Muslim chief Saladin.
It means one of the secrets of success is the ability to understand people well. Which could also translate to having a high EQ (Emotional Quotient).
The success being talked about here is not only Financial but also Individual/Personal success (i.e when a person is generally happy and feels fulfilled).
Seeing things from the other person's view point helps you to understand why he/she behaves thinks and reacts to things the way they do. When you understand other people's emotions as well as your own, you : are able to make better, objective and intentional decisions in every aspect of your life, whether personal or at the workplace; become more confident; and have healthier relationships. This brings all-round success.
Correct answer: The Executive Office of the President
The Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP) is what we call the various agencies that assist the President in carrying out his role as Chief Executive of the nation. The White House Office (the staff that works at the White House) is part of the Executive Office of the President (EOP), but so also are agencies such as the National Security Council and the Office of Management and Budget. The White House staff and National Security Council are very much people the president will rely on in the day to day operation of presidential business.