1. Guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action.
2. formal notice of a financial transaction.
3. information; news.
4. Take advice — obtain information and guidance, typically from an expert.
5. Reccomendation regarding a decision or course of conduct
l identified the author's viewpoint.
They clearly talk about the viewpoint in the given passage
the answer is A
When we heard about the FAMINE abroad, we took up a collection to help send food.
~batmans wife
A. The freedom to express oneself is valued by many, but some people discourage it and fear its consequences.
F. If you're going to be an inventor or creator, it's important to not be afraid to take risks
The above are the TWO statements describe the main themes in the story of Daughter of Invention.
"Daughter of Invention" is a story by J. Alvarez. As selected in the above, option A is a statement that talks about freedom which is one of the main themes of the story. Cukita, the main character in the story was told to write an address for the Teacher's Day. She wrote and showed her mother who was impressed by the writing. But when they took it to her father, he tore it and was not in support of the writing. Cukita's freedom to express herself through her writing was valued and appreciated by her mother but was discouraged by her father. Her father discouraged it because he feared that it might cause problem when the teachers read the address.
But despite her father's reaction, Cukita was encouraged by her mother to take the risk and write another one which she did with the help of her mother. The second address she later wrong was successful when she read it to during the Teacher's day. She was not afraid to take risk.
Her father later apologized and even bought her a typewriter.
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