No the Panama Canal was built by man to make trade by sea easier.
Which of Deng Xiaoping's policies was the largest factor in the 1989
Tiananmen Square protests?
--> B. Refusing to allow citizens to influence government decisions
I believe this would be true considering the had lost the civil war
The main difference between the plans of Columbus and da Gama mainly differ in the way they tried to reach the continent, while Columbus was going for a much riskier option and wanted to reach Asian through unexplored ocean by going in a westward direction, da Gama was going for a safer option by traveling near the continental mainlands and was going south to go around Africa and than eastward towards the already known direction for Asia. This lead to different results, Columbus unintentionally managed to discover a whole new world for the Europeans, while da Gama managed to open up a route towards Asia that was clear of any charges or passing through the waters of some empire.
You need a time period to be entered here because the Maximum Land area
(million Km to the power of 2) list the British Empire as 35.5 to the power of 3, while the Soviets only have a 22 or so. According to this information, the British Empire is larger in land mass than the Soviet Union. Again, we need a time period for an accurate answer.