No - they must be voted in. However, they do qualify for candidacy.
• Detroit lost a quarter of its people and had its lowest population count since 1920.
• Nine of Ohio’s 10 largest cities lost population, with Cleveland leading the decline with the loss of more than 80,000 people.
• Among U.S. cities with 100,000 or more residents in 2000, 42 lost population. Close to half of those cities (18) are in the Midwest. Eleven of the 20 U.S. cities undergoing the sharpest population declines are from four states in this region — Illinois (one), Indiana (two), Michigan (three) and Ohio (five).
absolute power
power is the ability to influence or direct the behavior of others so absolute power must mean complete control
A primary source of anything is a first hand account be it a diary, eye witness account, the person must have experienced it themselves while a secondary the information could have been passed on for example a news paper or memoir on someones life.