The twins had opposite natures: the right-handed twin was truthful, and the left-handed twin was deceitful. [2] The right-handed
twin always did the right thing, and the left-handed twin always did everything backward. [3] In these ways, the brothers represented the two warring natures that are in all people. [4] Quarreling constantly, they used magical powers to create animals that fought one another, and to create plants and medicines that could be used for good or for evil. Which best describes sentence 2?
The answer to your question would be that the statement that describes best sentence 2 is the the one that says that the example is a compound sentence. That is the correct option is the last one.
A compound sentence joins two or more independent clauses with a coordinator such as for, and, or but, or a semicolon.
1) The right-handed twin always did the right thing, (clause 1)
2) and the left-handed twin always did everything backward. (clause 2)