They use a formula and that formula is
People/Land Area=Population Density
Convergent evolution
Convergent evolution is a type of evolution of similar features and/or structures between organisms that are not phylogenetically related. This type of evolution is known to create analogous structures/organs that exhibit similar or the same functions but were not present in the last common ancestor of these taxa. An example of analogous structures (and therefore also of convergent evolution) are the wings of bats and of insects (e.g., butterflies). Conversely, divergent evolution is a type of evolution where species phylogenetically related, i.e., species that share a common ancestor, evolve and accumulate differences over time.
He was a close friend to Charles Darwin so he helped him out in creating the theory of evolution so I would say C: He developed the idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics.
B - Only the Neutrons are involved in the fission reaction
An increase in the amount of CO2 well increase the rate of photosynthesis, Carbon dioxide concentration will directly affect the rate of photosynthesis as it is used in the photosynthesis reaction.Increased amount of CO2 will increase the rate of photosynthesis to a certain limit, after which a further increase in its amount will no longer increase the rate any further. This is when the other factors necessary for photosynthesis, such as light, become "limiting reactants"; that is, those other factors also need to increase to bring about a further increase in the rate.
six molecules of water plus six molecules of carbon dioxide produce one molecule of sugar plus six molecules of oxygen
An increase in the amount of water leads to the increase in the amount of photosynthesis
The amount of water available to the plant will affect the rate of photosynthesis. If the plant does not have enough water, the plant's stomata will shut and the plant will be deprived of CO², and thus lower photosynthesis rate.
An increase in the amount of light well increase the amount of photosynthesis, if the light intensity increases the rate of the reaction will increase at a proportional rate until a certain level is reached, the rate of increases will then go down.
Other factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis :
1. Temperature
2. The availability of nutrients