1. Political Action Committees (PACs).
2. Special interest.
3. 94.
4. 13.
1. Many people help campaigns by giving money to Political Action Committees (PACs). The Political Action Committees (PACs) refers to a political group that is saddled with the responsibility of sourcing campaign funds, donations or contributions from various wealthy individuals (members) so as to support its political candidates to win an election.
2. Work with special interests, groups of people who share a common interest that motivates them to take political action. An interest group can be defined as a group of people sharing common aims, ideas and concerns, which seeks to influence government or a public policy. Thus, interest groups consists of individuals who are only concerned about influencing public policy of the government on the basis of a particular common-aim and interest. Examples of interest groups are labor groups, environmental interest groups, animal rights groups, etc.
3. The lower federal courts are divided into 94 districts.
4. There are 13 separate court of appeals. An appellate court, also known as court of appeals can be defined as a court of law of the judicial system that is empowered by law (jurisdiction) and saddled with the responsibility of hearing and reviewing an appeal of a trial-court or other lower court (tribunal).
First of all. A definition of these and other terms is necessary:
- Dar Al Islam: in Arabic it literally means the "House of Islam". It is an Islamic political/legal term referring to the countries where Islam is practiced by the vast majority of the inhabitants and where the government and all rulers are are Islamic.
- Dar Al Harb: literally means the "house of war" and applies to all countries that do not have an armistice or a treaty of peace with Muslims. According to Islamic jurisprudence, it is not only licit and legal to attack and harass such countries by any means possible until they accept to convert to Islam or accept being the vassals of an adjacent Caliphate.
- Zanj: Arabic meaning "black" or "<u>negro</u>" was the region of Southeast Africa on the Swahili coast that was populated by black Africans. Zanj was the name that Medieval Muslim geographers used to refer to that area. Arab and Persian colonists founded settlements on the coastal areas of these regions. They ruled them according to Sharia Law and held all political and economic power. The blacks or Zanj were either conscripted to fight in Muslim armies or were sold as slaves to all the Islamic countries located on the coasts of the Indian Ocean.
Now that those definitions have been provided the answer is much simpler:
In Dar Al Islam, the Muhammadans were the majority and they were above all other social groups. Society was organized around Islam and the government and the religion were one since Islam does not recognize the separation of religion and state. It is the "abode of peace" since it is considered Islamic land and all Muslim subjects enjoy supremacy and several rights and privileges over non-Muslim majorities. Any of the Muslim Caliphates is considered to be Dar Al Islam.
Zanj on the other hand, is located within what Islamic lawmakers considered Dar Al Harb, the "house of war". The inhabitants of this area were animist, black unbelievers that according to Islamic religious and political doctrine were legally under the power of Muslims that could rule them and enslave them and use them as cannon fodder for their armies. Of course, the Islamic settlements where the Arab and Persian rulers lived were small Dar Al Islam enclaves since the rulers and the laws were Islamic but Muslims were not the majority and Islam was officially at war with the local Zanj unbelievers. Furthermore, the Zanj were not Arabs and spoke no Arabic so they were of course barred from any government position and were not even protected as <em>dhimmis </em>since they were not a People of the Book. Therefore in Zanj, the relationship between government and religion was a colonial one, unlike the one in Dar Al Islam.
They were all afraid of irritating people (who vote). Since people (who vote) decided their unavoidable future, they didn't want to take any strong stances on anything and just went with the flow and played the tune that the people wanted to hear. They needed to stay in power and not lose it for taking a serious stance.........
The Ottoman Empire had received support from Britain and its western allies on a number of occasions, but as the empire declined, it lost control over its foreign policy.
In order to block Russian access to the Mediterranean, Britain and France both had a vested interest in keeping the Ottomans intact as much as they could.
Option D is correct . They did not think that Russia would win
<h3>How did France help the Ottoman Empire?</h3>
The French were granted the right to conduct unrestricted trade in all Ottoman ports as a result of the capitulations of 1535.
In 1536, a formal partnership was established. In the Ottoman Empire, French Catholics were granted possession of sacred sites and were free to practice their religion as they pleased.
For more information about Ottoman Empire refer to the link:
I think the a swer is A, Government leaders have limited power
This is the only choice that gives the citizens a bit of "power". Democracy allows more freedom to the people and choices to the people than Autocracy. Hope this helps!