Answer: B) Sense of humor.
Explanation: In the given lines from Act I, scene III of "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, we can see a conversation between the Nurse and Lady Capulet about Juliet, the nurse claim that she knows Juliet's age to the hour, and the way that she expresses that ("I’ll lay fourteen of my teeth— And yet to my teen be it spoken I have but four") allows the reader to see Nurse's sense of humor.
Answer: death: well, she’s talking about death metaphorically as if it’s a person. It’s capitalized bc Death is a personification of death represented as a human-like concept.
Best: the capitalized Best is similar to the death. But it’s her intent to tie the concept of the superlative metaphorically to a person. However, the difference is, it’s an actual person not a personification of a concept
Scout and Jem found items in the knot hole of the Radley's tree.
Atticus shot Tim Johnson's dog, revealing to Scout and Jem that he had the deadest shot in Maycomb County.
ill had a drink of Mr. Raymond's mysterious liquid, which everyone thought was whiskey (due to the fact that they thought the only reason he would marry a black woman was because he was drunk) but turned out to be coca-cola, representing how much racism there was at the time.
Tom Robinson got shot 17 times trying to escape from jail.
He will go to the Auditorium where everyone is gathered to announce that Jonas has been lost in the river. He will then help everyone cope with the memories that have returned with Jonas's loss. Jonas pleads with The Giver to come with him, but the old man is insistent on staying to help the community.