France was motivated to take over vietnam by its economic ambitions as well as by
-his thinking of itself being a most civilized country. it was its civilizing mission that motivated it to take over vietnam. it considered vietnames to be primitive and backward, skilled copysists, capable of doing manual labour not of intellectual refection and not able to rule themselves ...
the state or state of being acclimatized, or of being ingested into something. the way toward receiving the language and culture of a prevailing gathering of people or country, or the condition socially coordinated into the way of life of the predominant gathering in a general public: osmosis of outsiders into American life.
Because food, materials, and money were being used for the war, so they had to even it out to spend it where they needed it most.
George Washington signs Jay Treaty with Britain. On August 18, 1795, President George Washington signs the Jay (or “Jay's”) Treaty with Great Britain.