A document that helped initiate the American Revolution was the Declaration of Independence, and it also very importantly had many enlightenment concepts included in it. other documents also incorporated the ideas of enlightment, but they came after the revolution: the BIll of Rights and the Constitution.
It’s an example of de segregation
Biological, social, and cognitive influences on gender development under mentioned :
1. Biological Influences influencing Gender Development :
- Anatomy [scientific study of male & female human body structures] ;
- Puberty [Adolescents transition to sexually mature reproductive adults] ;
- Evolutionary Psychology [Psychological traits determination as per adaption to natural selection]
2. Social Influence
- Social Role Theory [study of sex differences & similarity in social behaviour],
- Social Cognitive theory of gender [study of Social construction of gender roles at institutional level]
- Family, Peers, Education & teachers , Mass Media [Affecting child's understanding of gender, gender roles]
3. Cognitive Influences :
Gender Schema Theory [Stating individuals gendered in society, gendered characteristics transferred further in form of cultural values]