The U.S. Constitution calls itself the "supreme law of the land." This clause is taken to mean that when state constitutions or laws passed by state legislatures or the national Congress are found to conflict with the federal Constitution, they have no force.
the only subjects taught then was reading and writing with special cooking and cleaning classes for young ladies. So to answer your question math, science, and any language other than English were not taught. Also art, gym ,and music were not offered as well.
The Mayans were one of the indigenous societies in Mesoamerica.
The term civilization used to describe the Mayans society because of a complex society with its cultures and cities. The Mayan civilization centered in various parts of Central America and South America. Mayan relied on its geographical condition for survival as they farmed corn, squash, and beans.
The Mayan civilization was a theocracy because of the society that controlled by religious priests. The Mayans believed in gods controlling the world. The priests had the power to knew the gods' wishes. Therefore the priests held power in the Mayan society by making decisions.
Mayan developed hieroglyphics as a writing system. The hieroglyphic signs are pictorial, which are recognizable because of pictures, including people and animals, along with objects of daily life.
The full name for our year is 2020 A.D., which stands for Anno Domini or "in the year of our Lord". This began at the birth of Christ. So, when we say we're in the year 2020, what we're really saying is that it's been 2020 years since the birth of Christ.
Explanation of research findings done step by step by the researcher. In the research, when a researcher conducts a study, explain it systematically. There are several steps to explain a research method in a systematic way
- The variability
- The predictability
- The fallibility
These are the scientific principle of research methodology. There are some basic principle of scientific research method such as
First to make the observation
- Make the hypothesis
- Test the hypothesis
- Collect data
- Explain
- Result