b. Adjectives
In this case, “this” and “that” would be adjectives because they are adding clarity to the nouns.
For example, “this cat”. In that instance, “this” is not functioning as a noun, it is instead specifying which cat the speaker is referring to. You can take “this” or “that” and have it modify any noun, and it would still be an adjective.
Charles Lamb grew up in downtown London and went to school at Christ’s Hospital where he first met lifelong friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He served in various office positions as the needs of his family required, and at age 24, with the death of his father, was placed in charge of all the family’s needs. He published his first poems in 1796 in a Coleridge collection, and published various works through the early years of the 19th century, when he had his first break with Tales of Shakespeare (1807), a joint project with his sister Mary. By this time he had gained a footing in London’s literary elite circle and had become friends with William Wordsworth, Percy Shelley, William Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, and others. All his adult life he wrote for periodicals in England, particularly London Magazine, and covered everything from dreams, religion, and politics, to marriage, food, and love. Before he died he published Essays of Elia (1823), and Final Essays of Elia (1833), both collections of his contributions to London Magazine.
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Samantha reached to the table to grab an apple only to realize they weren’t there. “What?” She said to herself and went upstairs to ask her brother if he knew if they were out. “George!- what are you doing?” She said looking at her little brother. George had all the apples in his hands lining them up, “just watch.” He said. And with that he grabbed a bottle and flung it at one of the apples, successfully pushing them all the the wall and crushing them. George stood in place, a pleased smile on his face. Samantha rolled her eyes “you better clean that up.” She said Before rewatching for her phone to call her mom to inform her they were out of apples.
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