Are you asking about our confession or is this a passage ?
(not meaning to take points, i'm sorry, just not sure ?)
He develops this claim by stating that if citizens are required to obey just laws, they have the full right and responsibility to disobey unjust laws and not allow them to move forward.
King says that the responsibility between obeying and disobeying laws is the same for all citizens who are subjected to them. This is because he affirms that, if everyone is obeyed to obey just laws that promote good things, everyone has the moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws, since they promote evil to society. To reinforce this argument, he shows how Saint Augustine and São Tomás de Aquino prove this idea, besides defining what makes a law fair or unjust.
Answer:Once you know who your intended audience is and what your purpose is for writing, you can make specific decisions about how to shape your message. No matter what, you want your audience to stick around long enough to read your whole piece. How do you manage this magic trick? Easy. You appeal to them. You get to know what sparks their interest, what makes them curious, and what makes them feel understood. The one and only Aristotle provided us with three ways to appeal to an audience, and they’re called logos, pathos, and ethos. You’ll learn more about each appeal in the discussion below, but the relationship between these three appeals is also often called the rhetorical triangle
Hope this helps! (spent a lot of time on it if you could please give me a brainliest that would be great!
Incomplete question. Assumed you are referring to story themes examples that talk about death.
There are many such examples, consider a few of them:
- <em>The land where no man wants to feely go.</em>
- <em>Death!!! The last enemy.</em>
- <em>The last destination.</em>
My favorite writer is Stephen King. I suspect he gets a lot of inspiration from his enviroment. He writes a lot about his hometown of Maine and seems to get most of storylines from the silent town he resides in. Hope this helps!